FULL HD_20160603 Software iCLASS i15 WIFI FULL HD_20160603 Software.
If you don't proceed 'Factory Reset' after updating software, there will be some problems of STB's function related with satellite & TP information (e.g. Add: digi turk on emu new sw for K9K9 WiFi HD PVR K9K9 WiFi HD PVR(w/o LAN) (06A5_L_CAS) T9T9 WiFi HD PVR B9B9 WiFi HD PVR SD CARD N9N9 WiFi HD PVR SD CARD (06A5 L CAS SDC) K9K9 HD PVR COMPACT (06A5 NOL CAS) A9A9 HD K9K9 HD (06A5 NOL CAS_NEW RCU) MINI HD(w/ LAN) V9V9 WiFi HD PVR (S06A5_L_CAS) NOTICE! After you update new version of Software, you must proceed 'Factory Reset' to add new satellite & TP infromation.